Tareekh e Karbala Urdu pdf by Qari Muhammad Ameen Qadri

Tareekh e Karbala Urdu pdf by Qari Muhammad Ameen Qadri


Tareekh e karbala urdu pdf

About Book and Author:

Tareekh e Karbala Urdu pdf is written by Muhammad Ameen Qadri. This book, Tareekh e Karbala, is about the history of Karbala. In 61 Hijri, Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S) was martyred in the Battle of Karbala in Iraq.

Hazrat Imam Hussain RA was the son of Hazrat Ali (RA), the fourth Caliph of Muslims. He was the grandson of the Prophet of Islam, Hazrat Muhammad (saw). When Yazid bin Muawiya became the ruler of the Muslim state, Hazrat Imam Hussain refused to accept his rule. He has severe reservations about Yazid’s character and his legacy. Hazrat Imam Hussain raised his voice against the sins of Yazid.

When Hazrat Imam Hussain was going to Kufa, the armies of Yazid blocked his way. After a short battle, Yazid’s army killed Hazrat Imam Hussain and his family and companions. Women and children were also arrested. It was a sad time in history for the entire Islamic world. This book contains all the details of the incident of Karbala. I hope you read the history of Karbala and share it with your friends and family members who want to read Islamic history books.

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Tareekh e karbala urdu pdf

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