Dr Tahir Ul Qadri Urdu Books Pdf Download Free

Dr Tahir Ul Qadri Urdu Books Pdf

Dr Tahir Ul Qadri Urdu Books Pdf Download

You are in the right place if you are searching for Dr Tahir Ul Qadri Urdu Books PDF. Now, you can read Dr. Tahir Ul Qadri’s Urdu books for free. Download them online. Allama Dr.Tahir ul Qadri All Books are Most Informative and Researched. On this page, visitors get all Urdu books in PDF format, including history, magazines, and Urdu short stories.

Visit our website, Pdf Free Books Pk, and download all required books in PDF format free of charge. Below are some of Dr Tahir Ul Qadri’s Books, which are the Top Reading Books.

Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri Biography 

Allama Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri was born in Jhang on February 19, 1951. He belongs to the Punjabi Tribe of Pakistan but has settled in Canada with his Family. He received his early education at home and at Allauddin Al-Qadri Al-Gillani. He was a famous Schloar at his Time and was the custodian of the Shrine of Ghaus e Azam Abdul Qadir al-Gilani. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri received his Islamic spiritual education and accepted him as a Spiritual Teacher.

After completing his education, He Earned a master’s in Islamic Studies and a Ph.D. in Islamic Law from the most famous Punjab University of Pakistan. After completing his studies, he started teaching at Punjab University as a lecturer and later became a law professor.

Dr Tahir Ul Qadri is a Prominent Scholar, writer, and excellent speaker in the Islamic World. He has written over One Thousand Books About Islamic History, BioGraphies of Famous Personalities, Fatawajjat, and the Tafseer Ul Quran. His books are well-researched and contain a lot of Knowledge with Pure References.

Allama Dr. Tahir Ul Qadri is famous worldwide and delivers thousands of lectures on Islamic life-changing subjects in Urdu and English. By his Preaching, many Non-Muslims embarrassed Islam. He is also the founder of Tehreek e Minhaj Ul Quran. Tehreek e Minhaj Ul Quran is an active Islamic Scholars Team that is ready for the help of all humanity. Its Main aim is to Play a positive role in Preaching Islamic Thoughts all around the world. So they organize the world’s Largest Mehfil e Milad and Islamic Seminars.

Dr Tahir Ul Qadri Books List 

1.Manaqib Ali Ibn Abi Talib

2. Al Minhaj Us Sawi

3.Munajat Imam Zain Ul Abideen

4.Shahadat e Imam Hussain Haqaiq

5. Shahadat e Imam Hussain

6. Zibh e Azeem

7. Milad Un Nabi SAW

8. Irfan Ul Quran

9. Manaqib Ul Hasnain

10. Mohabbat Hasnain Kareemain

11. Hayat Un Nabi 

12.Manaqib Fatima Zahra

13.2. Sura Fatiha awr Insani Zindagi ka I‘tiqadi Pehlu

14.Shan-e-Awwaliyyat awr Sura Fatiha

15. Awwaliyyat-e-Sura Fatiha awr Awwaliyyat-e-Nur-e-Muhammadi

16. Tasawwur-e-‘Ibadat


18. Tasmiya al-Qur’an

19. Falsafa Tasmiya

20. Ma‘arif Ism Allah

21.Lafz Rabb al-‘Alamin ki ‘Ilmi wa Scienci Tahqiq

22.Sifat-e-Rahmat ki Shan-e-Imtiaz

23.Asma-e-Sura Fatiha

24.Tafsir Minhaj-ul-Qur’an (Sura al-Fatiha; Part-I)

25.Sura Fatiha awr Tasawwur-e-Hidayat

26.Ma‘arif Aaya al-Kursi

27. Ma‘ariMa’arifwthar

28.Uslub e Sura Fatiha awr Nizam e Fikr-o-Amal

29.Sura Fatiha awr Ta‘limat-e-Tariqat

30.Kashf al-Ghita ‘an Ma‘rifa al-Aqsam li al-Mustafa (PBUH)

31. Shan-e-Mustafa main Qurani Qasmain

32.Al-‘Irfan fi Faza’il wa Aadab al-Qur’an

33. Al-Tibyan fi Fadl ba‘d Suwar al-Qur’an

34.Kanzul Iman ki Fanni Haysiyyat

35. Tafsir Minhaj-ul-Qur’an (Sura al-Baqara)

36. Al-Mawsuat al-Quraniyya: Quranic Encyclopedia

37. Manahij al-Irfan fi Lafz al-Quran

38.Huroof-e-Muqatta‘at ka Qurani Falsafa

39. Falsafa tul Huruf al Muqatta

40. Sura Fatiha awr Ta‘mir-e-Shakhsiyyat

41. Takwin al-Shakhs al-Insani fi Surat al-Sab al-Masani

42. Qurani Encyclopedia

43.al-Durar min Marif al-Suwar

44. The Principle of Change in Islamic Law

Tafseer Ul Quran By Tahir Ul Qadri 

Allama Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri wrote a Comprehensive Tafseer Ul Quran as the name of Irfan Ul Quran. Irfan Ul Quran Urdu By Allama Tahir Ul Qadri PDF is a complete teaching guide on the Quranic Verses in Urdu. This Urdu translation of the Holy Quran explains the Time of Rasool Allah and covers His Natural life events. There are also many questions and answers, as well as their reasons and solutions. Irfan Ul Quran Urdu is a high-standard Quranic explanation with complete references. 


We hope Dr Tahir Ul Qadri Urdu Books PDF will be helpful to you. Through this article, you will learn the complete life history of Allama Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri and his services for Islam. He plays a vital role in the Spread of Islamic Teachings and Messages of Hazrat Muhammad PBUH worldwide. Nowadays, he delivers thousands of Lectures in different Languages Such as English, Urdu, and other famous worldwide languages.


1. How many books did Dr Tahir Ul Qadri write?

Answer : Dr Tahir Ul Qadri has written thousands of Books, but only 640 have been Published in Urdu, English, and Arabic.

2. What are Dr Tahir Ul Qadri’Qadri’sfications?

Answer: Dr Tahir Ul Qadri passed a Master in Islamic Studies and a PhD in Islamic Law from Punjab University.

3. What are the achievements of Dr Tahir ul Qadri?

Answer: Dr. Tahir ul Qadri’Qadri’sachievements are 

1) wrote more than 1000 Books

2)Famous Tafseer ul Quran Named As Irfan ul Quran

3)Eight Volumes of Holy Quran translations in English that cover 7,000 Plus pages and 6,000 plus verses of the Quran.

4. What is the Book of Fatima byBookir ul Qadri?

Answer: Yes! Dr Tahir ul Qadri wrote the Book of Fatima. That Book is a Collection of some authentic hadith about the Daughter of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and wife of Hazrat Ali R.A. It is Named “The “Great Daughter of Prophet Muhammad PBUH.”

5. “what is the Hadith Encyclopedia by Tahir Ul Qadri?

Answer: Allama Dr. Tahir ul Qadri wrote an 8-volume Encyclopedia of Hadith Studies called “Al-Mawsua Al-Qadiriyya fil-Ulum Al-Hadithiyya.” This “Book is about the Hadiths of the Last Prophet of Allah PBUH and covers all the Branches of the Science of Hadith.

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