Fatah e Khyber Urdu PDF Download Free

 Fatah e Khyber Urdu Written by Muhammad Ahmad Bashmail Pdf Download


Fatah e Khyber pdf download Free

Author Introduction:

Muhammad Ahmed  Bashmail is a famous Arab scholar and author of some excellent books. He wrote a series of books on the war of Islam. These books are beneficial to the readers, and Muhammad Ahmed  Bashmail provided a lot of information in them. I hope you like and share Muhammad Ahmed  Bashmail book Fateh e Khyber Urdu PDF

Fatah e Khyber Introduction:

The book Al-Fatah Khyber Urdu PDF is about the war in Khyber. He fought between the Muslims of Medina and the Jewish tribes of Khyber. The Jews lived in seven forts and were proud of being invincible. Muslim troops led by the Prophet of Islam attacked all Jewish courts in Khyber.

The Jews belonged to the Quraysh of Mecca, who were enemies of Islam. The two conspired against the Muslims, which was the main reason for the Khyber campaign. After the defeat of the Jews, the Holy Prophet returned his lands after an agreement. 

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