Aiou past papers aiou past papers Read Online

 Aiou past papers aiou past papers Read Online


AIOU past papers

past papers of aiou Past papers are one of the most important tools for Students when reviewing articles because one can find out what they have already prepared and what is lacking to overcome them.

Our vision is to provide necessary past papers for high performance and preparation for university exams, especially for AIOU, The most famous university in the country and worldwide.

Allama Iqbal Open University is one of the best distance education universities not only in Pakistan but also for students abroad. Students are not directly connected to teachers but take classes a few days a semester.

Aiou past papers Coming from different places, most students are not even familiar with the previous paper patterns in the papers and the types of questions. Therefore, past papers are very important for students. aiou past papers 2018

aiou past papers Past exam papers are also helpful in learning the style of papers and getting good marks. The university has a good code numbering system to identify each book.

These are the programs/courses offered by the university. Just click on the link and search for old papers, code numbers (books), and various courses. Papers from the last 5 years will be available for each code number.

Aiou past papers Download in PDF

Bachelor Of Commerce Past Papers:

Name Of Book                                     Code No

Auditing                                                          481

Compulsory English-I                                     142

Islamiat (Compulsory)                                     416

Pakistan Studies                                              417

Ethics                                                                418

Compulsory English-II                                    1424

Principles of Accounting                                  438

Business Mathematics                                     1429

Advance Accounting                                          444

Mercantile Law                                                     460

Fundamentals of Business                                 463

Business Statistics                                            1430

Business Taxation                                              456

Cost Accounting                                                   462

Basics of ICT                                                         1431   

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