Guftagu Complete Volumes in Pdf Download
On this page, you can download and read online Guftagu Complete Volumes in PDF Download Save to your device in PDF format for free. Urdu Book Conversation Twenty-nine by Wasif Ali Wasif. Wasif Ali Wasif wrote a series of Urdu e-books called “Guftagu,” which has about thirty volumes. Wasif Ali Wasif was an honest writer, Teacher, poet, and journalist. He is accustomed to writing columns for the daily Nawa-e-Waqt. Now, saving your PDF copy from being read offline on a PC or mobile or reading it from the links below is straightforward.
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Wasif Ali Wasif Introduction
Wasif Ali Wasif was a great writer, Teacher, poet, and Sufi from Jhang, Punjab, Pakistan. He was the son of Malik Muhammad Arif Abbasi. He was born on January 15, 1929, and died at 64 on January 18 1993, in Khushab District, Punjab. Wasif Ali Wasif was most popular in columns, Sufi saints, Books, and poetry. He wrote many books, but some got a lot of fame from their readers, such as Guftugu, Qatar Qatra Qulzam, and Dil Darya Samundar.Wasif ali wasif Official website
Wasif Ali Wasif Education:
He got her early education from Khushab before going to Jhung City for the required education. When he completed her bachelor’s degree from Islamia College, Lahore, he was admitted to Government College University Lahore for a master’s degree in English literature. He wrote her most popular Magazine, Ravi, and earned fame from his readers. Finally, Wasif Ali Wasif established his Lahore English College near Anarkali Lahore.
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Guftagu Complete Volumes in Pdf Download
Volume 1
Volume 6
Volume 8
Volume 30
Read More: Wasif Ali Wasif Complete Biography and Books